Country: Abu Dhabi UAE
Location: Das Island & Super Complexes
Services Provided: Provision of Training Specialists and Training Project Management (a team of 20 personnel)
Training Service

Utilisation of the ADMA-OPCO training syllabus, modules, instruction materials. Computer Based Training (CBT) and Training Simulators available at Das Island Vocational Training Centre ‘VTC’ and Offshore Sites for the:

  • Implementation and management of the Basic, On-Job-Training and ‘On-Site Integration for the new intake trainees, in accordance with their Competency Based Development Programmes.
  • Re-evaluation of the ADMA-OPCO existing training syllabus, modules and instruction materials with a view to confirm the validity of the existing training materials
Updating/Enhancement of Training Materials
  1. Provision and development of further training materials and structured technical training courses for the Production/Process and Maintenance Trades.
  2. The ADMA-OPCO Health Safety and Environmental Protection (HSEP) Regulations and Policy are to be embedded into all existing training materials and courses, newly prepared and updated courses conducted by Training Instructors.
  3. Provision of any required support to the development of new Competency Based Development Programmes.
Specific Gap Elimination Programmes

Development, implementation and management of Specific Gap Elimination Programmes ‘SGEP’s’, including On-Job-Training ‘OJT’ for uncertified ADMA-OPCO direct hire and contracted personnel.

Provision of Computerised Database

Development and maintenance of a computerised training record and reporting database system, for ADMA-OPCO onsite training and development participants.

Provision of Computer Aided Learning System

Further develop the application of “Information Technology” to enhance and improve the training and learning processes. Creation and implementation of a Learning System that will allow all the training materials to be networked on ADMA-OPCO’s network or Internet facilities and to support a Computer Aided Learning System.

Certification/Accreditation of Training Programmes

Prepare the right foundation to link the Individual Development and Competency Assurance exercises for the Operators/Technicians/Supervisors in order to be able to offer worldwide recognition certification.

Transfer of Technology and Training Skills

Ensure effective transfer of technology to ADMA-OPCO supervisory staff and to ensure that staff is able to continue the training process after the contract completion date. Conduct a series of Transfer of Technology training courses for ADMA-OPCO nominated personnel. These courses will be conducted on Das Island with a view to ensure that supervisory staff become effective trainers.